We have been working for over a year to develop operational indoor vertical racks for growing microgreens. We kept the technology simple and are continually improving as time moves forward.
We have tried growing many types of micro- and mini greens and will continue to expand the selection as we move forward. We are always open to suggestions or special requests. However, if it is new to us, we need some time to get that plant growth perfect. All our greens take between 7–21 days on average, from planting to harvest, so there isn't much downtime and everything is always very fresh.
The outdoor farming capabilities of the farm keep evolving. We are adding more beds and fruit trees as time permits. Our goal is to use the onsite freeze drier to preserve products long-term, allowing us to offer other products to our customers. Look out for Galiano Grow House Phase II.
Most days spent on the farm are used to help accelerate the farm progress or actively engage in planting and harvesting. When we have time between crops, we always look for new plants and crops to get onto the property. We have a very small tractor to move stuff around and mix our own custom soil blend for the greens. We use all the expended biomass to compost and produce new soil for future crops. Within a few years we’ll have enough biomass (generated) on the property to be able to become generally self-sustaining, minus the amendments not available on the island.
As time progress we hope to add chickens and other small animals to the property. With these types of animals, we are able to accelerate the “composting” by feeding the stems and roots to the chickens as part of their feed. There are also always seeds that didn’t germinate in the mix, which provide added nutrients. If you stop by the farm, don’t be surprised to see everyone out working and keeping nutrients local.